Writing Update – April 24, 2024

Hey folks,

I thought I would give a wonderful update about what’s going on with my current projects because what is the point of this if not to keep my fans updated with what’s in the works? This has been a very busy April and the news is both good, bad, and in-between.

  • The Supervillainy Saga: The next book, THE RISE OF SUPERVILLAINY, is presently slated to be the finale of the series. It’s lasted ten books but sales are a bit down and Gary has achieved a lot of what I’ve wanted to tell so putting the series to rest for a time seems like a sensible choice. The premise for it is well-timed, though, because we’ll be doing a “Gary meets the X-men” style story.
  • Fear not fans of the Gary universe as when the Supervillainy Saga is finished, we’ll be doing a sequel series called WORLD’S WORST SUPERHERO. Which will take place in the same world and deal with Gary’s opposite number in would-be patriotic superhero, Jack Washington Junior. Except, well, he just
    keeps doing villainy! By accident, really!
  • Space Academy Miscreants (Space Academy #4) is now off to the recording studio at Podium where we’ll be seeing Vance Turbo’s adventures against the evil SLAVE LORDS OF CRIUS and meeting someone he never expected to see: [spoiler]! I think this will be a very enjoyable work.
  • Speaking of Space Academy, SPACE ACADEMY VAGRANTS will be coming out probably just two months after the release of Space Academy Miscreants. It will be a massive treasure hunt story and a redoing of the planned third Lucifer’s Star book. Basically, the concept just fit for Vance and crew.
  • We will actually be wrapping up the Lucifer’s Star series with a short story included with Miscreants called “The End of History” which will provide a nice epilogue for Cassius and company looking back on their connections to Vance Turbo and his crew.
  • The fourth and final Cthulhu Armageddon book, CTHULHU’S CANYON has been started up and I hope to have it done by the end of Summer. This will return John Henry Booth to the Wasteland for one last time to discover the fate of his two children and whether it’s possible to save what little remains of humanity.
  • Speaking of Cthulhu, I have a novelette in TIME LOOPERS, a Cthulhu Mythos anthology edited by David Hambling of Harry Stubbs fame. We’re also going to be releasing THE BOOK OF HASTUR, which is another set of excellent Cthulhu Mythos stories that will be starring John Henry Booth. It’s my hope to eventually do a compliation of all of the short stories into one Pulpy mythos volume.
  • Plans remain for the third Moon Cops book and second Morgan Detective Agency book. A Peter Stone sequel too but finishing up the above is currently preoccupying me. Not that I have too much on my plate, no sir!